You are using the Test environment of the Webasto Dealer Portal.

This environment is using the TEST version of the DP (DP_T) and TS (TSSQL_TEST) database.

The databases were last copied from the live environment on 01/01/2012 at 00:00

Privacy Notice - February 2020 (Current Version)

The Webasto Group respects your privacy and take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We think it’s important for you to know how and when we collect what data and how we use it. We have put in place technical and organizational measures to ensure that the rules governing data protection/privacy are strictly adhered to.

Cookie policy

On our websites we use session cookies. A session cookie contains information that is stored in a temporary memory location and then subsequently deleted after the session is completed or the web browser is closed. This cookie stores information that the user has inputted and tracks the movements of the user within the website, for example login data. A session cookie is also known as transient cookie.

For a correct functioning website these cookies are mandatory. Because these cookies are NOT being used to track our visitors along multiple websites and neither to violate the privacy of our visitors we don't have to request approval for accepting the cookies.

Google Analytics

On the Dealer Portal we use Google Analytics. We use their cookies to improve our website based upon usage statistics which the cookies are collecting. Our Google Analytics has been setup in a privacy friendly way, according to the manual (Dutch language) of the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This means that incoming personal data at reception is immediately converted to anonymous data which prohibits tracking the visitor. We (but Google as well) will not use the gathered data for other purposes then stated above. This agreement between Webasto and Google has been documented in a Data Processing Agreement according to the European GDPR act. Therefore we don't need to ask approval to visitors for usage of this data due to the fact that the chance of privacyinfraction is very little and we use the data legitimately for business interests.

On our internet training portal we collect data about the performance of our coursematerial. The supplier of these courses is collecting (technical) functioning of these same courses. Personal data is not being transmitted. On our internet training portal we collect data about the performance of our coursematerial. The supplier of these courses is collecting (technical) functioning of these same courses. Personal data is not being transmitted.

Inactive accounts

To comply with the GDPR, we will:

  • Disable and anonymize requested accounts after 1 year of inactivity and which are still in status "Requested"
  • Disable and anonymize active accounts after 18 months of inactivity
  • Anonymize accounts immediately after deactivation

Please select your language to consult our privacy policy ( if your language is not available select 'International' ).

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